Historical Background
- The Catholic University of South Sudan represents a dream long deferred. In 1983, the late Pope John Paul II spoke with then President J. M. Nimeiry about a Catholic University in the Sudan. In 2003, on the occasion of the canonization of Daniel Comboni, the Holy Father again raised the issue of a Catholic University and encouraged the Bishops to establish a University.
After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, the Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference took the decision to establish the Catholic University of Sudan (CUofS) at the General Assembly in July 2007.
The following year, September 2008, the Catholic University welcomed the first students to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Juba of Central Equatoria State. In October 2009, the Catholic University inaugurated the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in Wau in Western Bahr El Ghazal State.
The university in its eighth academic year has an enrolment of more than 930 students in Juba and 450 students in Wau. Already the University’s first four classes have graduated with a total of 336 graduates. The Catholic University is affiliated with the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi. CUEA awards Degree to the Graduates from the Catholic University of South Sudan.