Faculty Of Economics & Business Administration
Faculty Of Economics & Business Administration offer Bachelor Degree in the following programs.
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics. (Four Years programme)
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance. (Four years programme)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with specializations in
- Business Administration (Four years programme)
- Human Resource Management. (Four years programme)
- Procurement and Logistics (Four years Programme)
- Entrepreneurship (Four years Programme)
- Diploma in Business Administration. ( Three years programme in Wau/Juba)
- Diploma in Accounting. (Three years programme in Wau/Juba)
Head of Department of Economics: Mr. Kuol Nyol
Head of Department of Business Administration: Mr. Abraham Cuony
The faculty consists of Two departments as shown below:
- Department of Economics
- Department of Business Adminstration
Faculty Administration
The faculty is administered by the dean. Under him, there are head of departments
Dean's phone No:
E-mail address:
Core values
Strategic goals
General Contact